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* About CRES (Cognitive Research for Exploratory Search) project [#v6ea9980]

In CRES project, we have investigated users behavior and cognitive
process during interactive search on the web for various information
seeking tasks of the users. Various users' activities are
-collected for further analysis by using from eye-trackers to think-aloud
for the purposes to design better interactive IR systems for
exploratory search.

This project is supported by the National Institute of Informatics joint research grant.

** Members (alphabetical order) [#o8b3bc22]

:[[Yuka Egusa:http://www.nier.go.jp/yuka/index.html.en]]|Researcher, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Japan
:[[Noriko Kando:http://research.nii.ac.jp/~kando/]]|Professor, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
:[[Makiko Miwa:http://ship.nime.ac.jp/~miwamaki/]]|Professor, National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan
:[[Hitomi Saito:http://rhino.ics.aichi-edu.ac.jp/]]|Lecturer, Aichi University of Education, Japan
:[[Masao Takaku:http://masao.jpn.org/]]|Senior Engineer, National Institute for Material Science, Japan
:Hitoshi Terai|Assistant Professor, Tokyo Denki University, Japan

** Publications [#s3746ff0]

*** Peer Reviewed Publications [#a944387c]

-[2008:international conference] Differences between Informational and Transactional Tasks in Information Seeking on the Web
--Hitoshi Terai, Hitomi Saito, Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa, Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando 
--Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Information Interaction in Context (IIiX 2008); 7p. (2008-10) (to appear)
-[2007:international conference] Comparing System Evaluation with User Experiments for Japanese Web Navigational Retrieval
--Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa, Hitomi Saito, Hitoshi Terai 
--Amsterdam; Proceedings of the First Workshop on Web Information-Seeking and Interaction (WISI 2007) (SIGIR 2007 Workshop); pp.49-52; (2007-07) 
-[2007:paper] Naïve Ontology for Concepts of Time and Space for Searching and Learning
--Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando
--Information Research, vol. 23, no. 2, January 2007
-[2006:international conference] Role of Naïve Ontology in Search and Learn Processes for Domain Novices
--Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando 
--in S. Sugimoto; J Hunter; A Rauber; and A. Morishima (Eds.) Digital Libraries: Achievements , Challenges and Opportunities
--9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2006 Kyoto, Japan, November 2006, Proceedings. pp. 380-389.
-[2006:international conference] Naïve Ontology for Concepts of Time and Space for Searching and Learning
--Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando 
--Presented at the SIC Conference, 2006.7. 19-21, Sydney, UTS.

*** Others [#p2687eaa]
-[2008:domestic conference] Preliminary Analysis of Differences between Informational Task and Transactional Task in Information Seeking on the Web
--Hitomi Saito, Hitoshi Terai, Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa, Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando
--2008 Annual Conference of Japan Cognitive Science Society; Kyoto 7p. (2008-09) (to appear)(in Japanese)
--2008 Annual Conference of Japan Cognitive Science Society; Kyoto pp. 234-235 (2008-09) (in Japanese)
-[2008:domestic conference] Preliminary analyses of eye movement data in Web information seeking
--Masao Takaku, Hitoshi Terai, Yuka Egusa, Hitomi Saito,  Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando
--2008 Annual Conference of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge; Tokyo, Japan Society of Information and Knowledge Journal; vol.18; no.2; pp.181-188; (2008-05) (in Japanese)
--DOI [[10.2964/jsik.18-181:http://dx.doi.org/10.2964/jsik.18-181]]
-[2007:domestic conference] Comparing System Performance Evaluation with User Experiments for Web Navigational Retrieval
--Hitomi Saito, Hitoshi Terai, Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa
--2007 Annual Conference of Japan Cognitive Science Society; Tokyo, pp.544-545; (2007-09)(in Japanese)
-[2007:international conference] An Application of the NTCIR-WEB Raw-data Archive Dataset for User Experiments
--Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa, Hitomi Saito, Hitoshi Terai 
--National Institute of Informatics; Tokyo; Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2007) (NTCIR-6 Pre-Meeting Workshop); pp.78-81; (2007-05) 
--[Poster] http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings6/EVIA/14-poster.pdf 
-[2006:domestic conference] Naïve Ontology: Construction of Time and Space Knoweldge through Exploratory Searchin on the Web.
--Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando
--2006 Annual Conference of the Mita Society of Library and Information Science, Tokyo, Japan, November 2006, 11, Proceedings. pp. 33-36. (in Japanese)

** Other Activities [#cc673807]

We contribute to [[Lemur Query Log Toolbar:http://www.lemurproject.org/querylogtoolbar/]]
with bug reports and sending patch.

** Contact [#s6ee2bfa]


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