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About the CRES (Cognitive Research for Exploratory Search) project

The CRES project's goal is to investigate user's behavior and cognitive processes during various information seeking tasks on the web. Various users' activities were collected for analysis by using eye-trackers, think-aloud, etc., for the purpose of designing better interactive IR systems for exploratory searches.

This project is supported by a National Institute of Informatics joint research grant.

Members (alphabetical order)

Yuka Egusa
Researcher, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Japan
Noriko Kando
Professor, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Makiko Miwa
Professor, The Open University of Japan, Japan
Hitomi Saito
Lecturer, Aichi University of Education, Japan
Masao Takaku
Senior Engineer, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
Hitoshi Terai
Assistant Professor, Tokyo Denki University, Japan

Outcomes and Activities


Karuizawa Seminar, supported by "Information Access Technologies Supporting Exploratory and Learning" (A01-38) in MEXT grant-in-aid for Info-plosion.


Peer Reviewed Publications

Other Publications


(member only)

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