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* VizCMap [#s04b5e00]

VizCMAP is an analysis tool for comparing CMaps between pre-search and post-search.

*Demo tool [#yb70c181]

- http://dl.nier.go.jp/vizcmap/?lang=en

*What's this? [#ad07ccba]

Once you transcribe concept maps into [[GraphViz:http://www.graphviz.org/]] (dot) format, this tool allows you to you can easily check what was changed between two concept maps, as follows.

The nodes encircled with double lines represent the common nodes. The links drawn with double lines with large arrows represent the common links.
The nodes encircled by a dashed line represent the lost nodes, and the links drawn with a dashed line are the lost links.
The nodes encircled by a solid line represent the new nodes, and the links drawn with a solid line are the new links.
Please refer to the following paper for an overview of analysis methods on pre- and post-search concept maps:

-Yuka Egusa, Hitomi Saito, Masao Takaku, Hitoshi Terai, Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando: "Using a Concept Map to Evaluate Exploratory Search". The 3rd Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIiX 2010); New Brunswick, NJ, USA; pp.175-184 (2010-08) http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1840784.1840810
-Hitomi Saito, Yuka Egusa, Masao Takaku, Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando:"Using Concept Map to Evaluate Learning by Searching". In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012) Aug 2012 (2012-08)

** Definition of Common node [#a3d6bd7d]

The Common nodes are identified, if
+ The nodes that the experiment participants identified as identical one.
+ The nodes having the same label between two concept maps.

The former ones are transcribed with shared prefix labels, such as: "n1:automobile" in Pre-CMap vs "n1:eco-car" in Post-CMap.

In our first analysis presented at IIiX2010, we proposed a simple method that considers only the latter case of Common node definition.

*Development [#lc75dda2]
The VizCMap tool is available as Open Source Software.

-You can download and browse the latest source codes at Github: https://github.com/cres-project/cmap

These analysis scripts and demo tool requires [[Ruby>http://www.ruby-lang.org]] and [[GraphViz>http://www.graphviz.org]].

* Acknowledgments [#qc87c226]
This tool is an outcome of the CRES Project. This project was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas A01-38 titled "Information Access Technologies Supporting Exploration and Learning" (19024068) and by a National Institute of Informatics Joint Research Grant titled "Study on Construction of Cognitive Models for Information Seeking Behavior and Its Applications".

* Contact [#g07bf144]
If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to the following address:


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